As I posted on Facebook this morning: I MADE MY FIRST ARTICLE OF CLOTHING. FOR A HUMAN. (because I have made many [ugly] Barbie clothes and the clothes for Juni’s doll)

It’s a skirt for Juni!

I found the free pattern at Grand Revival Designs here after much searching for the perfect skirt pattern. It’s a well-written pattern and pretty easy to follow. (I’d say I’m an advanced beginner.) Not many pictures/diagrams, so that was a little challenging for me (I have a MUCH easier time reading pictures than words for instructions), but I am proud to say that I figured it  out!

At first, I thought it would be too short. But seeing it on Juni, I think this length works.

Next I’m going to make her another one out of some old pink corduroys of mine that don’t fit me anymore. And Gloria, I have a lot of this fabric if you want me to make a matching one for Baby Bee (or you can make it if you’d prefer).

Then, I want to make the art smock from this book:

And then I want to make the market skirt from made.

(I made some clarifications/modifications to the pattern. I don’t know if it’s okay to post them online, but I think I will. Let me know if this is illegal. Download here.)